Tell me about what you write.
First, I’d like to thank you for having me and for your questions!
In short, I could say that I write about everything that buzzes in my thoughts or that makes my skin itchy. In particular, I write about fragments of my identity that I am still discovering and questioning, the relationship with my body and family members, the love for strangers, dreams, nightmares, and my everyday fears.
Tell me about your latest release or what you have coming soon.
I recently released, on the 8th of December 2023, my second poetry collection: Secondary Poems.
It’s a collection of poems mostly written in English, but eight of the poems are bilingual. I allowed myself to play around with English and French to add an extra layer to the narrative. While each poem stands on its own, when reading the book cover to cover one can discover a story and by using a second language I wanted to give a more defined shape to the second character of the book (nothing to worry about, the full English version of each poem is also included in the book). The three chapters tell the story of a queer couple, someone left and someone stayed, both need to find themselves again as separate entities after a relationship that had them entangled together for longer than they were able to tolerate.
Currently, I am working on a third poetry collection which will focus more on the body, family, origins and the self.
How long have you been writing and what inspired you to start?
I started writing when I was twelve years old, so that’s already fifteen years ago (damn!). The first poem I wrote was for a school assignment and then I continued writing because I found in the practice a way to process my emotions and explore topics I didn’t know whom to talk to about.
What has been the most difficult part of writing or publishing for you so far?
Of writing: overcoming perfectionism. Somehow, the more years pass, the more I find myself raising the bar higher and getting in my way of creating. I am still trying to figure out how to get back to seeing the craft of writing as a practice and not as a perfectionist act.
Of publishing: convincing myself that I am allowed to take up space. This is something that keeps staying difficult no matter how many positive experiences I have the privilege to collect. There is a voice in my head ready to sabotage my little self-confidence at every opportunity.
What is your writing and editing process like?
I enjoy writing the very first draft by hand in a pocket-size notebook away from any devices that might tempt me to look up words. Once I feel like I have most of my ideas and words on paper, then I transcribe the piece on a Word document and start the editing process. If I feel in any way blocked, then I’ll go back to the notebook and try to edit in analogue.
What advice would you give to your younger self about writing?
Never write to please someone. Write what aligns with your values and what you need to express independently from what someone might need to hear.
What are your go-to writing snacks?
I never snack while writing but part of my practice is to make myself a tea and forget about it.
What are your favorite types of books to read and do you have an all time favorite author or book?
I enjoy memories, auto-fiction and historical fiction books a lot. I am currently in love with Ocean Vuong writing but I don’t have an all-time favourite author or book. There are many books I love and that I wish to re-read but there is also so much to read still that I don’t know if I can re-read books at all.

Where can readers find you and your books?
I am active only on Instagram: @jobahdo and I have a website where readers can find out more about my books, published poems, current projects and my two newsletters!
Is there anything else you’d like to share with my newsletter audience?
Thank you for reading, I hope my answers could in some way be helpful and don’t hesitate to get directly in touch with me for any further questions.
Thank you Jo for being a guest on my newsletter this month! I wish you the best in all your writing and publishing adventures.
If you are interested in being a guest in the future send me a message! I have a new guest author on the 15th of every month.